Black River District Eagle Rank Advancement Process

1. It is the responsibility of the Eagle candidate to find and develop a project which is Eagle worthy.
2. The Eagle candidate who has found a project needs to make sure that the Benefiting Organization will let him do the project and has proper jurisdiction. (Do not assume.)
3. The Eagle candidate must use the current Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook to develop the project.
4. The Scout is encouraged ask questions in the development of the project proposal with the Scoutmaster, unit Eagle Coach or other appropriate persons assisting him in the process.
5. If in the development process the Scout is not sure whether the project is appropriate, he should, early in the process, contact the District Advancement Chair for guidance.
6. Upon completing the Proposal section of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, the Eagle candidate must contact the Black River Advancement Chair for initial acceptance of the concept. The Advancement Chair will assign you a District Eagle Adviser. (Do not start working on the project until you have done this!) The acting Black River Advancement Chair:

Dave Meehan
[email protected]

7. The assigned District Eagle Adviser will read your proposal and make suggestions for your consideration and once satisfied will sign off on your project. This is the fourth and final signature on page 10 of the Workbook.
8. Once the District Eagle adviser has signed the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, you may then start working on the project.
9. The Eagle candidate will contact the District Eagle Adviser if there are changes which are not anticipated in his write up and which may affect the outcome or scope of the project.(do not wait till after the project is completed – if in doubt, call!)
10. Once you have completed the project and have done the final write up, you will need the signature of the Benefiting Organization rep and the Scoutmaster’s signature on page 20.
11. Fill out the Eagle Application including Merit Badges earned (cross out as needed for optional badges), and Position of Responsibility including accurate dates. (It is recommended you obtain a report from Council to check all merit badges which are recorded by council to check for any discrepancies prior to filling out the application) Your Unit Advancement Chair should be able to assist you with obtaining this information.
12. The Scoutmaster and troop Advancement Chair should review the Eagle application prior to obtaining needed signatures.
13. The Life Scout will write his letter of Life Purpose prior to having his Scoutmaster Conference as part of Requirement 6 on the Eagle Scout Application. This Statement will be included with the Eagle Project Report.
14. The Eagle Candidate will turn in the completed and signed original Project Report, the Community Service Certificate, the Life Purpose Statement, and the completed and signed Eagle Application to the Eagle Registrar at Council. See the Council Policy for Eagle Scout Paperwork.
15. Council will notify the Scout, his District Eagle Adviser, and the Black River Advancement Chair that the paperwork has been checked and approved for scheduling a Board of Review
16. Once all Eagle paperwork is approved, the troop will request confidential letters of recommendation for the Eagle Candidate from the list of references on the completed Eagle Application, and will assure the letters are available for the Eagle Board of Review.
17. Once the letters of recommendations are received, the Troop will contact the District Eagle Adviser to set up the Board of Review.
18. The Eagle Candidate will then contact his District Eagle Adviser to confirm the rest of the process.
19. For the Board of Review, the Troop will invite three (3) Scouters at least 21 years of age from its own Unit Committee or it may invite others from the community who are familiar with the Eagle rank. The Unit leader or assistants may not participate in the Board of Review; the Scout’s parent or guardian likewise may not participate. The Unit will provide an appropriate location for the Eagle Board at a date and time agreeable with the District Eagle Adviser.
20. The Eagle Candidate should provide one copy of the Eagle Project Report, Eagle Application, and Life Statement for each person sitting on the Board. This should be provided one week in advance so that all participants may review the materials and the Board can start promptly.
21. The Eagle Candidate should bring the original completed Eagle Application and Community Service certificate and he should be dressed in full uniform for his Board of Review.

Updated October 2020.