Strategic Plan

2023 Game Plan

With both internal challenges such as the BSA bankruptcy and external challenges like the lingering effects of the pandemic still having an impact on operations, it is imperative to have both short-term and long-term goals to remain on a sustainable and growth-oriented track.

In order to address these challenges, our executive board has adopted a second short-term business plan that will serve as a road map until we are able to fully understand the effect of these challenges and develop a full strategic plan. Brevity and focus are the priorities; thus our emphasis is on initiatives that will impact membership retention and growth. Collaboration and joint meetings between focus areas will be prioritized to ensure work plans are aligned and applicable initiatives are consistent.

Our volunteers and staff were diligent in selecting five areas of focus that will drive this game plan, which was approved by our executive board on February 27, 2023.

Click here to see the 2023 Game Plan