Pioneer District Eagle Rank Advancement Process

This process is for Pioneer District only.  For all other districts, see here.

Revised December 2022

  1. It is the responsibility of the Eagle candidate to find and develop a project which is Eagle worthy in discussion with his Unit Leader, Eagle Project Mentor/Coach assigned by the unit or other appropriate individuals. Follow the process of your Troop.  Feel free to contact the District Advancement Chair for any clarifications.
  2. The Eagle candidate needs to make sure that the Benefiting Organization will let the Scout do the project and has proper jurisdiction. At the conclusion of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook are two pages entitled Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project. The Scout and his Unit leaders should be familiar with this document, and the Scout MUST provide a printed copy for review by the proposed Project Beneficiary who may not be familiar with Eagle Projects. Note that on Page H of the Proposal section, there is provision for the Beneficiary to check off on receipt of this document.
  3. The candidate must use the current version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.  All documents should be located through
  4. If during the project development process the Scout is not sure whether the project is appropriate, the Scout’s coach should, early in the process, contact the District Advancement Chair for guidance.
  5. Once the project proposal is written up to the satisfaction of your Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chairman, and Eagle Coach, then the Beneficiary Representative, Unit Leader and Troop Committee Chairman will sign the Project Proposal section of the Eagle Workbook.  Proposals will be automatically rejected if they are not signed by the Eagle Scout candidate, the Unit Leader, the Committee Chairman, and the Beneficiary Representative.
  6. When the Eagle Scout candidate believes the project proposal is ready for District review, the candidate will scan only the proposal portion of the workbook and any supplemental documentation the candidate wishes to include into one PDF document. Said document should be titled LastName_FirstName_TroopNumber_Town, example: Smith_John_T123_Anytown. A fundraising application should be completed and submitted with the proposal for any proposal that has an estimated budget of $2,500 or more, regardless of the source of funds. The fundraising application should indicate the source(s) of funds, including the beneficiary should the beneficiary be providing funds for the project. Contingencies should be included should there be a shortfall in funds.
  7. Proposals will be accepted from Eagle Coaches ONLY. Scouts should NOT submit their own proposals. WORKBOOKS MUST NOT BE PROTECTED BY PASSWORD OR IN ANY OTHER MANNER. Proposals are distributed to the District Committee for review in the order they are received. The review process may take a few weeks. The District Committee will return comments and questions to the Scout and the Scout’s Eagle Coach should any clarification or revision of the proposal be necessary. The Scout should resubmit the revised proposal promptly. Scouts must receive District approval before beginning work on the project.
  8. Successful projects are those that have a detailed plan, see Final Plan Pages A through F of your Workbook for guidelines. Your District Advancement Committee strongly suggests that you consult with your Unit Eagle Coach or Unit Leader to review your plan before you schedule the start of your project. Once you have completed the project, complete the Project Report section of the workbook.  The District Advancement Committee strongly recommends that you ask your Eagle coach to review the report. This will keep your coach informed of any changes or issues related to the project and will help to make your Eagle Board of Review go more smoothly.  Your coach may recommend edits to your project report; it is your decision whether or not to incorporate them.
  9. Once you have completed the project and have done the final write-up, you will need to sign and obtain the signatures of the Benefiting Organization rep and your Scoutmaster on Project Report Page C.
  10. Fill out the Eagle Application** including Merit Badges earned (cross out as needed for MB #8, 9 and #11) and Position of Responsibility including accurate dates. (It is recommended you obtain a Scouts BSA History Report from Scoutbook to check all merit badges which are recorded by Council to check for any discrepancies prior to filling out the application.) Your Unit Advancement Coordinator should be able to assist you with obtaining this information and may review the Application. **A nearly complete Eagle Scout Rank Application can be downloaded from Scoutbook. The Scout will need to fill in references, project title, and total project hours. The Unit Leader (Scoutmaster) and Committee Chair will need to review and sign the Application.
  11. Once Eagle rank requirements are complete, including the Scoutmaster Conference, the unit should begin the process of requesting letters of recommendation.
  12. The Scout will submit documentation to Council for verification per the Council Eagle Paperwork Policy, which can be found at If Scout is submitting documents by email, the Scout must include the Scoutmaster, Unit Committee Chairman, Advancement Chairman, Eagle Coach, or another adult on the email to satisfy Two Deep Leadership requirements. Please note: The District prefers the Scouts BSA History Report from Scoutbook. Council will check the original documents, scan them into a PDF document (if hard copy submitted), return them to the Scout and then notify the Scout, the Unit Leader, the Unit Committee Chair, and the District Advancement Chair that the paperwork has been verified and approved for scheduling a Board of Review.
  13. Eagle Boards of Review are held at the Troop level with one District representative in attendance. The troop is responsible for coordinating a date for the Board with the Scout, unit adults, and the District once the Scout’s packet is verified by Council. The District will not entertain requests for Boards until receipt of verification. Boards consist of no less than 3 members and no more than 6 members, including the District representative. Scoutmasters, parents, guardians, and persons under the age of 21 may not participate in the Board. Eagle Boards should last about 30 to 45 minutes, not including the time it takes for the Board to review the Scout’s paperwork prior to starting or the deliberation and voting time at the end of the Board. Current District Advancement Committee members eligible to serve as a District Representative are: Terry Dwyer, Don Gomber, Robert Grimaldi, Gerry Harris, Ed Klug, Chris Kolmodin, Anne Krasny, Tom Lenahan, Jane Maloney, Christine O’Brien, and Robert Whitehead.
  14. The troop is responsible for requesting letters of recommendation from the references listed by the Scout on the Eagle Rank application. A Board must not be postponed or denied if references do not submit recommendations nor is the Scout to be asked for additional references. The District representative is responsible for retaining the letters of recommendation after the completion of the Board. In no case should letters be given to the Scout.
  15. The District requests dates for Boards of Review at least two weeks out from the date of verification. Boards may be held in person or by videoconferencing. The unit will provide an appropriate location for the Eagle Board of Review.
  16. Though it is preferred a Scout be in full field uniform for the Board, the Scout should wear as much of the uniform that is owned. If wearing the uniform is not possible, the candidate should be clean and neat in appearance and dressed appropriately, according to the Scout’s means. Boards are not to reject candidates solely for reasons relating to uniforming or attire.
  17. It is the Scout’s responsibility to provide a copy of the verified packet for each member of the Board. It is the Scout’s responsibility to provide the Advancement Report (Form #34403) and photo release form to the Board. These documents are attached to the Council verification email the candidate receives. It is the Scout’s responsibility to bring the candidate’s Handbook to the Board.
  18. Provided the Scout successfully completes the Eagle Scout Board of Review, it is the Scout’s responsibility to submit to Council, within 7 days of the Board, the signed Eagle Rank application, the completed and signed Advancement Report (Form #34403), a completed and signed photo release form, and a photo of the Scout. It is suggested that the Scout create a copy of these forms prior to submission.
  19. Patriots’ Path Council personnel will process the paperwork after the Eagle Board of Review, including sending required forms to the National Advancement Committee for signature. When the Eagle credentials are received from the National Advancement Committee at Patriots’ Path Council, Council personnel will notify the Scoutmaster and Troop Committee Chair. It is the responsibility of the troop to arrange pick up of credentials.

For further information, refer to the current Guide to Advancement, BSA Requirements, Eagle Rank Application and Eagle Project Workbook